Author: 千岚

0 Comment on The Male Gaze and Female Identity in Mass Media
Posted in 4. Media Discourse’ Or ‘The male gaze’ Blog

The Male Gaze and Female Identity in Mass Media

What is Male Gaze? We are deeply affected by the Male Gaze. Male gaze refers to the…

0 Comment on How the Media Manipulates Us: A Review of Manufacturing Consent
Posted in 3. ‘Manufacturing Consent’ Or ‘Ideas of encoding and decoding’

How the Media Manipulates Us: A Review of Manufacturing Consent

Have you ever wondered how the media shapes our perception of reality? How do they decide what…

0 Comment on The persona of the digital world may be the real you.
Posted in 2. ‘Medium theory’ Or ‘Construction of Identity in a digital world’

The persona of the digital world may be the real you.

Now most of the people’s social needs are reflected in the Internet, there are acquaintances social, stranger…

0 Comment on KOL ZiQi Li Helps Spread Chinese Culture in a New WayQi
Posted in 1. ‘Two Step Flow theory’ Or ‘Culture Industry’ Blog

KOL ZiQi Li Helps Spread Chinese Culture in a New WayQi

Since 2016, Li Ziye has started to post videos of ancient-style food production on internet platforms, and…