Construction of identity in a digital world—Crisis and Protection

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The digital world has changed the way people construct and express their identities. It provides a platform for individuals to build an online presence. People use social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and TikTok to share ideas, experiences and beliefs, communicate and interact socially. They can also create avatars and characters in virtual worlds, experimenting with different roles, skills and personalities.

However, there are still some potential crises for identity in the digital world.

The first is the issue of privacy and data breaches. The digital world tends to blur the lines between public and private life, leading to the exposure of personal information and loss of identity. Those whose identities are exposed may also face an identity crisis as a result of the possible consequences of the violation of their digital identity and identity theft. For example, according to BBC News, British Airways was fined £20 million in 2018 for a data breach that affected more than 400,000 customers. This included customers’ addresses, card numbers, contact details and other personally identifiable information.

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Second is cyberbullying and cyberharassment. Being a victim of cyberbullying can lead to emotional distress when an individual’s self-esteem and self-worth are negatively affected by online community interactions or comments, while individuals who engage in cyber harassment may experience an identity crisis. According to Michael Greenwood(2023), 39% of students subjected to cyberbullying dropped out of school, 37% engaged in delinquent behaviour and 32% participated in cyberbullying. Substance abuse was frequent and 16% suffered from major depression.

In addition, balancing digital and real identities can lead to conflict. Inferiority complexes can arise when a person is constantly exposed to idealised online personas and compares them to real life. Alternatively, when a person presents themselves differently online, it can lead to identity issues and confusion. Similarly, excessive use of digital devices and platforms can lead to feelings of self-absorption in individuals.


How do you solve an identity crisis? It requires sustained motivation, which I have categorised into the following two areas.

The first step is to manage your privacy settings on social media and other online platforms to control the information you share with others. This will help protect personal data and reduce the risk of identity theft. It is also recommended to learn to disconnect from digital media on a regular basis and to maintain a healthy balance between your online persona and your real-life self, in order to reduce the creation of overly idealised identities online and to avoid the mental health consequences of identity conflict or crisis.

Secondly, cyberbullying and online harassment should be prevented. As individuals, we should be more digitally literate and critically assess the information we encounter online, including fake news, scams and cybermanipulation that can lead to identity crises. Think deeply before posting information and respect the feelings and opinions of others.

If people experience an online identity crisis or conflict, they should be encouraged to report violations rather than retaliate. In cases of serious conflict, harassment or identity theft, people should seek legal assistance where necessary. If an identity crisis has a serious impact on physical or mental health, people should consider professional counselling or therapy in order to get emotional help to solve these problems in a safe and supportive environment.

The digital world offers rich opportunities for self-expression and identity exploration, making it a versatile and accessible arena for individuals to shape their online roles and promote learning and growth. But at the same time, we should also pay attention to the crisis brought about by digital identities, learn to view our digital identities correctly, clarify our personal values, and strike a healthy balance between our real identities and online platforms.


Beduschi, A. (2019). Digital identity: Contemporary challenges for data protection, privacy and non-discrimination rights. Big Data & Society6(2), 2053951719855091.

Knight, A., & Saxby, S. (2014). Identity crisis: Global challenges of identity protection in a networked world. Computer Law & Security Review30(6), 617-632.

Kowalski, R. M., & Giumetti, G. W. (2017). Bullying in the digital age. In Cybercrime and its victims (pp. 167-186). Routledge.

Michael Greenwood. (2023). The Impact of Cyberbullying on Mental Health. United Kingdom : NEWS MEDICAL LIFE SCIENCES. Retrieved from

1 thought on “Construction of identity in a digital world—Crisis and Protection

  1. Your discussion on privacy, especially the British Airways data breach example, was a stark reminder of our online vulnerability. The section on cyberbullying, supported by Michael Greenwood’s statistics, was particularly impactful, highlighting the psychological effects of online interactions.
    While I found your insights into the conflict between digital and real-life personas enlightening, I wonder if adding some real-life stories or case studies could make these concepts even more relatable to your readers. Personal anecdotes or interviews could provide a more tangible connection to these issues.Also, while you offer practical solutions like managing privacy settings and seeking professional help, perhaps a step-by-step guide or a list of resources could further assist readers in navigating these challenges. This could include links to privacy management tools or contact information for support services.
    Your balanced perspective on the digital world as a space for identity exploration and a potential source of crises resonated with me. Your writing is clear and informative, making complex issues accessible to a wide audience.

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