Two Step Flow Theory

Origin:The theory was developed in the 20th century by Paul Lazrsfeld,Bernard Berelson, and Hazel Gaudet while studying the 1940 U.S. presidential election.



1.Information first reaches influential individuals, who then consume media content and interpret the information

2.These influencers then pass on their understanding and views of the message to their social circle or their audience, who then pass it on gradually

Conclusion:This theory emphasizes that interpersonal relationships play an important role in shaping public opinion, not directly determined by the media. It shows that people are more influenced by the people around them who know and trust, not just the media

In my opinion, this theory still has great disadvantages when applied to the present, because it may not be in line with the modern media environment. This theory puts too much emphasis on the role of opinion leaders and takes other factors into consideration. For example, each medium has different life experiences and values

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