Meet Júlia Kendra!

A Self Introduction

I’m Júlia Kendra, you may call me Júlia! Double name – it’s a Latino thing. I’m Brazilian and Spanish from a little island called Gran Canaria. I’m also part German and grew up in all three countries in a big cultural mix! I moved to London in 2017 to pursue a diploma in Broadcast Media and Production, which I completed in 2019 and then went on to work in film and radio production after the fact, until a little inconvenience, otherwise known as a global pandemic, hit the world. Unfortunately it obliterated my career, as well as my savings, and I had to move home for nearly two years.

Here’s a little video of me working with Halsey at Capital FM’s Jingle Bell Ball in 2019, before it all went down. Skip to 0:39 to see my attempt at a British accent.

What have I been up to?

Over the pandemic I trained in acting and currently work full time as an actress (no, I have not been the lead character in anything you’ve seen). It’s my greatest passion and love in life. I had always put it on the back burner as I thought I’d be more fit to work in production, but finally gave in after watching countless awful actors in countless awful shows during the pandemic. I am, however, a virgo. Which means that I am incredibly practical as well as uncomfortable with the idea of uncertainty and do not enjoy the life of a freelancer.

So naturally, I decided to study a degree at 23 years old (I’m 24 now) to actually be able to afford rent post grad, whilst pursuing my goals. I studied Contemporary Media Practice in my first year at Westminster, but it wasn’t quite what I wanted, so I switched over to Digital Media!

Being a creative is, unfortunately, my entire personality. I enjoy consuming and creating theater, film, and art. I also find great joy in videography, photography and audio production. I generally just love creating. And Taylor Swift.

Not only am I a university student, but also a broke actor, which resulted in me teaching myself how to take headshots and create showreels and shamelessly use Westminster facilities for it. The photo attached below is one I took of myself using a red light remote at the university’s photography studios! Was getting free headshots part of the reason I decided to come here? Maybe.

Now that I’ve needlessly told you about my entire life, we should probably be friends. Follow me on Instagram!

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