My “not so interesting” life


Hi, my name is Muhaimin and just like it says in the title this is going to be about my life. I will say that the title of this blog post might be a bit misleading because it’s not all boring but I guess for me it’s not the most interesting. I’m a second year uni student studying so in the future I might be able to get a career in a section that can utilise the is degree perhaps journalism. Im the youngest in a family of five boys. It can get kind of rough being the youngest always being pushed around in decisions and not really having my voice and opinion heard but its not the worst i guess, i do have four people older than me who can deal with the heavy lifting whilst i sort of cruise through. I’m a person who enjoys to explore my creative side, having fun working with people to create content and graphic designs along with editing videos and such.


My biggest hobby/interest is sports, I’m a football fan. As a Man UTD supporter it gets kind of rough having to watch week in week out terrible performances as we push out sub par results with our extremely expensive team. But like I said my biggest interest is sports and that doesn’t just mean Man UTD, I’m also interested in other sports such as; basketball, tennis, f1, boxing, ufc etc. I have enjoyed sports ever since i was young, i took a keen interest towards basketball as a youngster and played for the school team when i was in secondary school. However my passion for basketball would slowly fade as around me there were no influences, but rather than being surrounded by people passionate about basketball i was around people who loved the game of football and that helped my facilitate a growing passion for the game.

Day to day

I myself am quite active I would say I try my best to go out every day wether its for uni or to the gym I do try to get up early and do something. As much as I dislike waking up early it is beneficial so I make an effort. Along with going to the gym I fit in some cardio by going to football sessions, usually I go at least once a week but if possible I try to get two sessions in just because I enjoy it.

Football has always been a passion of mine since i was young, i was alwasy surrounded by football fanatics. My brothers and cousins were completely obsessed with football and we would always find a way to kick a ball around somehow. During my days at secondary i would go on to play for the school team and later play in tournaments.


Music has been a big factor in my life since I was young. However I was never really a big fan of UK artists I mostly listen to American music. As a youngster I used to listen to a lot of rap and being young I would listen to people like Eminem and drake. As I grew older and matured I come to find myself listening to a wider variety of artist such as Travis Scott, Kendrick Lamar, Kanye West, Frank Ocean, J Cole and many others. Music has felt to me like a safe haven in my life, when everything seemed so stressful and chaotic I could always rely on putting my headphones on and zoning out to music for peace of mind. 

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