Esraa’s life with the life twists

Heyyy everyone;) 

I am Esraa, and I find the most joy in the simple pleasures of life. From playing with my cat, Gigi, and him biting me to the daily ritual of me making my caramel iced latte, my life is a blend of experiences and interests that have shaped me today.

I was born and raised in the crazy but lovely city of Cairo, Egypt. My life significantly changed when we decided as a family to move to London with my four sisters and my parents. Adapting to living here was extremely hard, to be honest. London is very diverse, with so many cultures and a completely new environment to adapt to, and it was one of the hardest challenges we’ve been through as a family, but personally, it taught me resilience, patience, and the capability of getting used to and embracing changes. However, I miss everything about Egypt: my rest of the family, the streets and its people, the amazing food, of course, and the fact that the city is still awake and chaotic as usual until 4 or 5 AM, which is super cool.

I personally believe in going with the flow; I’ve never been one of the people who thought they had to have a clear idol or a fixed career goal. My study of digital media and advertising was influenced by my dad, who works in the documentary filmmaking sector; he’s always telling me it’s the future. During my gap year, just before I started university, I tried different professions, like working at a cafe, a pharmacy, a digital media production company, and even a magazine. This exposure to different people changed the way I see things and even changed me as a person. I would have never imagined myself doing any of those things; I only wanted to be an artist.

My hobbies are my way of spicing up life. I love playing tennis, painting, practicing embroidery, and exploring the depths, corals, and creatures of the Red Sea through diving; it is a whole different world. Taking care of my orchid flowers and plants has become a therapy for me; it is known for purifying the air, changing the mood, and, lastly, lowering stress levels. It also makes my room feel alive.

Throughout my 21 years, I’ve gained the gift of God not to stress too much about my future. Life’s experiences have taught me that everything is written, and it’s best to embrace the present moment. My only focus is on finding my own happiness and working on my success at the moment, while waiting for what the future may hold.

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