Manufacturing Consent

Manufacturing consent is a term that refers to the manipulation of public opinion by powerful actors.Every content we upload to social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram we are not the owner it belongs to Meta. Mark Zuckerberg is the shareholder of that company.

Political economy is a set of paradgims,ideas and theories that critically address the production,distrubtion,exchange and consumption of resources used to sustain human existence.

‘The propaganda model explains the broad sweep of the mainstream media behaviour and performance by their corporate character and integration into the political economy of the dominant economic system. For this reason, we focused heavily on the rise in scale of media enterprise, the media’s gradual centralization and concentration, the growth of media conglomerates that control many different kinds of media (motion picture studios, TV newtworks,cable channels,magazines and book publishing houses),and the spread of the media across borders in a globalization process.’ (Edward S.Herman & Noam Chomsky 1998)

Antonio Francessco Gramsci was an italian philosopher,journalist lingusit,writer politican and Marxist.He wrote on phiolosphy,political theroy,sociology,history and linguistics.

‘During the World War 1 he studied marxist thought and became a leading theoretician.He formed a leftist group within the Socialist party and founded the newspaper L’Ordine Nuovo (May 1919,”The New Order”).Gramsci encouraged the development of factory councils, which undercut the control of trade unions.

Extracts of Gramsci’s prison writings were published for the first time in the mid-20th century; the complete Quaderni del carcere (prison notebooks) appeared in 1975.Many of his propositions became a fundamental part of Western Marxist thought and influenced the pos-World 2 strategies of communist parties in the West.

He argued that the dominance of one group over another usually by way of legitimating ideas and norms.It is very difficult to break away from the norm and the media plays a critcial part in it. Key influence of political economy theorists have been influenced by Karl Marxist.

Karl Marxist is a social, political and economic philosophy named after Karl Marx (1818-1883).Marxism has had a great historical influence on the organisations of countries, as well as numerous theories in sociology.In sociology,Marxism has manifested as method for socioeconomic analysis.Using the methods of Marxism,sociologists can outline the dominant power structures of society and examine their effects on how people within society see power structures.

Marxian economics is a school of economic thought based on the work of the 19th-century economist and philosopher Karl Marx. Marx claimed that there are two major flaws in capitalism that lead to explotation:the chaotic nature of the free market and surplus labour.


Edward S Herman & Noam Chomsky (1988)Manufacturing Consent:The Political Economy of the Mass Media Assessed on 21 November 2023

Marxism: Definition, Theory, Ideology, Examples, & Facts ( Assessed on 21 November 2023

1 thought on “Manufacturing Consent

  1. Lovely blog post! Very precise and good information. Would love to see a few more examples and a bit more information and explanation of what effect the propaganda model really has. Loved reading this!

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