Ideas of encoding and decoding

The encoding – decoding model was originally defined by Stuart Hall. It was first published in Culture, Media, Language in 1980 and appeared in the book “Melia Studies”

Model encoding-decoding table

This is a model of communication. Meaning and Messanges being organized through codes

Looking at the plate above, let’s take a closer look at the example of discourse for better understanding. That is, when creators make a television program, they want to give the community a message that they need to do certain things to achieve that. That’s why it’s called discourse.

What is the difference between encoding and decoding?


  1. Production and sending of information: When the sender generates and sends information
  2. Encoding: Information is converted into a code that is intended for transmission
  3. Transfer: The coding information is sent to another system.
  4. Examples: podcasters, media company, content creator


  1. Receiving information: Another system or person receives encoded information
  2. Desoding: The received information is converted into an encoded format into an understandable one
  3. Understanding: The system understands the received information and can now interact with it
  4. Examples: audience, consumer, reader, viewer
Reference list: Scannell, Paddy (2007) Media and Communication, SAGE PUBLICATIONS,
Barlibo (2020) Stuart Hall’s Encoding/Decoding Model but it’s easier to understand, YouTube

1 thought on “Ideas of encoding and decoding

  1. Hi! Very good blog, I loved the inclusion of the youtube clip to make the blog post more interactive! It’s inspiring to see how ideas take shape, transforming into a language that can be encoded, shared, and then decoded by others.

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