Construction of Identity in a Digital World!

Constructing an Identity in this generation is considered to be incredibly easier compared to previous generations as it is more accessible to create an identity according to however you wish to be portrayed online. This is mainly shown through Profiles, Self-presentation, Digital Footprints and Reputation.

Having an online profile enables you to post, comment and share whatever you desire, this could be from your own interests to brand deals to boost products. Each post or share relates to who you are as a person, for example, promoting a brand of jewellery produces the image of someone who is into the industry and conveys the idea of the person being a representation of the brand they reposted for. Furthermore, an online profile on certain platforms contains or requires a lot of personal information such as, photos, age, and a short description of who they are as a person. This shapes up how they are perceived by the public or their family and friends.

Self-presentation is another key topic in terms of constructing your identity in the digital world, this is because people have full control on what and who they post online to the world. They can choose which aspects of their life and identity they wish to emphasise and be able to curate their own images and content. This alone can have a powerful influence on how they wished to be viewed by the world and public eye.

Digital Footprint is a massive dent or boost to someone’s identity as every online interaction they end up going through is taken into account and saved. This could be in the form of either comments, shares, likes or browsing history. This data contributes heavily to the construction of a digital identity, which can later be analysed or interpreted by the public themselves or algorithms.

Finally, the online reputation of someone is associated with having an identity portrayed to the web or other apps. The way individuals can engage with others and the content they end up creating or share online can easily affect their online reputation. Positive or negative interactions can shape how the audience perceive the identity they put out.

In summary, the construction of identity in a digital world is a dynamic and evolving process that is influenced by a range of different factors as listed above. It’s important to keep a good self image of yourself online as it can be used in the future against you, or to support you. Doing anything online is saved and can be brought up at any time. It is also important to be mindful on how you curate the image of your digital identities and how they engage with the online world to ensure that their online personas align with their morals, values and intentions.


IGI Global. (n.d.). Identity Construction. In IGI Global Dictionary of Information Science and Technology (4th ed.). Retrieved from

Taylor, S. (2015, April 27). Identity Construction.

1 thought on “Construction of Identity in a Digital World!

  1. Amazing blog post! I enjoyed reading it.I agree with you when you stated that because of the generation that we are currently in we can create multiple and different identities and have control over what we share and do.Do you think digital platforms have damaged peoples perception on others, as what everyone posts might not be truth?

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