What are Cultural Industries?

“The goal of the cultural industry is to create entirely new experiences by incorporating familiar elements of everyday life. In every area of the cultural industry, products are created under a specific mindset, and these products need to meet the needs of mass consumers.”(Adorno& Rabinbach, 1975)

In my opinion, the cultural industry has been evolving its trends from the past to the present. I think it is actually influenced by several aspects, such as: social, technological, economic and cultural factors.
Advances in the world of digital technology are happening all the time, and digitization is happening very quickly in any aspect of design. In the more powerful realm of digital communications, the power of social media platforms has also skyrocketed. The richness of social media and its powerful algorithms have changed the direction of promotion in the cultural industry. Similarly, the diversity of cultures in the world has become a point of change and progress in the cultural industry. As cultural diversity becomes an important issue in modern society, cultural industries need to combine cultural diversity with cultural fexpression.

China Radio International (CRI)

China Radio International (CRI) is China’s state-owned media organization responsible for bringing Chinese news, culture and voices to an international audience.

The International Radio Station was founded in 1941, and in the 1940s and 1950s, its original mission was to provide only the latest news about China’s War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation to a global audience. After 1980s
With China’s reform and opening up, China Radio International’s international broadcasting content has become more diversified. It offers multilingual broadcasts and diverse programming covering a wide range of areas such as news, culture, music and economics.
In the 21st century, international radio stations have stepped up their digital communications. A multilingual official website has been established, offering broadcast and online content in English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Russian and other languages to meet the needs of a global audience. Social media channels have expanded and mobile apps are available.

Its historical development reflects the different emphases and objectives of China International Broadcasting in different historical periods. Its development direction also marks the focus of the development of Chinese cultural industry.

The transformation of China Radio International’s cultural industry is particularly prominent in its app and social software, which began to promote Chinese culture, history and tradition through media channels such as radio, TV and the Internet, and launched a series of programs to introduce the characteristics of Chinese cities, food, classic tourist attractions and provide channels for foreigners to learn Chinese. Radio International’s programs aim to raise awareness of Chinese culture among global audiences. Through these changes, CRI hopes to raise the global cultural community’s perception of Chinese culture. Interestingly, international radio stations are actively using their social media platforms to partner with new media companies to promote all things China globally. This includes setting up your own social media accounts on YouTube, Facebook and Twitter.

In general, cultural industry is a way to promote the progress of the country and society. Cultural industries encourage innovation and add diversity to the world.


Adorno, T.W. and Rabinbach, A.G., 1975. Culture industry reconsidered. New German Critique, (6), pp.12-19.

Culture industry by the-enigmatic-horse on DeviantArt (no date) by The-enigmatic-Horse on DeviantArt. Available at: https://www.deviantart.com/the-enigmatic-horse/art/Culture-Industry-257496072

Ducros, V. (2019) Philosophy & Society – Theodore Adorno’s culture industry reconsidered, Medium. Available at: https://medium.com/@Valentin.Ducros/philosophy-society-theodore-adornos-culture-industry-reconsidered-8113fe2f6d3e

History (no date) History – China Plus. Available at: https://chinaplus.cri.cn/chinaplus/aboutus/aboutcri/62/20170216/391.html.

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