Hi, everyone!

My name is Liu Yuqiong and you can also call me Yvonne. I’m from China and I live in Shanghai most time, but sometimes I drive to Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province, in which city I met my three best friends.

My MBTI is ENFJ so I’m longing for unfettered freedom. I love traveling, I even bought my flight tickets in September for December to January next year, as well as skiing and rafting in Northeast China, eating seafood in Weihai, Shandong Province, bungee jumping in Guangzhou, and eating hotpot in Chengdu and Chongqing! Before that, I’ve been to Denmark in Scandinavia and Paris in France (of course I’m planning another trip to Scandinavia in the summer holiday), and I’ve been to a couple of Southeast Asian countries to watch boxing! I think traveling can heal one’s soul. So if you’re feeling sad or a little overwhelmed, go traveling. Well, traveling in China is also a nice choice. China is a huge country and you can see all kinds of landscapes, such as the deserts of Xinjiang, the Loess Plateau that stretches across seven provinces, the green meadows in Inner Mongolia where cows and sheep run side by side, the prosperity of the cities, and so on!

I love music and I play piano, guitar, guzheng and some other small instruments. Besides, singing is one of my hobbies. I have been joining choirs since junior high school, and luckily, I was finally taken as a private student by one of the most famous teachers in our city. I sang alone on the stage of the Art Festival for three consecutive years, and also represented Zhejiang Province to participate in the competition in Beijing, and won many awards. I also made my first bucket of money in life through live singing online when I was 19 years old. I had thought about becoming a musician, but received strong opposition from my parents. I thought maybe I could wait until I had a certain level of financial means to pursue my dream! I also often go camping and attend various activities with my best friends.

I would also like to introduce my kitten, who is very sweet and docile. I often go for a walk with her in the neighbourhood and she can even accompany me on trips.

After graduating from high school I travelled to Korea to study business at Chung-Ang University (증앙대학교), which was a decision I regretted. But slowly I learnt to accept my past, and I feel that the time I spent in Seoul gave me a lot of different experiences and taught me a lot of things. I went back to China in 2021 because of the epidemic and health reasons. After a three-month break, I had studied at Nanjing Media College for two years and then be qualified to come to the University of Westminster. Before I came to the UK I went to Guangzhou to see my favourite singer JJ’ s concert and then started to feel unwell again, when I got back to Shanghai I went to the hospital for a check up only but to be told that I had to be admitted for an operation immediately. I thought for a while that I wouldn’t be able to come to the UK to study as planned, but luckily I was able to leave hospital two days before my flight. As my body hadn’t fully recovered, the long flight made me so uncomfortable that I started to have a high fever the day after I arrived in the UK. Miraculously, I can’t believe how quickly time has flown by and it’s already been a month since I came to the UK. I feel very happy to be able to study in the UK!

I used to be impatient, I was in a hurry, but now I just feel like taking my time and enjoying life, accepting everything, accepting all possibilities, and being able to say to the world at any given moment, “Hello, world!”

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