The Legendary life of Dongze Li

Welcome to my blog, and it’s a pleasure to have you all here. Let me begin with a brief self-introduction: My name is Dongze Li, and I come from Sichuan, China. With the letters ‘D’ and ‘Z’ in my name, you’re also welcome to refer to me by my English name: Dizzy.

For me, the most significant change in recent years has been during my time studying in the United Kingdom. It’s been quite a journey to come this far from home all by myself. Fortunately, I haven’t felt overwhelmed by loneliness. I’ve had the privilege of meeting many trustworthy friends. They are gentle and kind, and being with them makes me feel safe and comfortable. So, I am delighted to have the opportunity to study at the University of Westminster. I’m also very much looking forward to what the future has in store.

I also love to travel. For me, going abroad makes pursuing this hobby even more convenient. It allows me to quickly reach many places that would otherwise be very far from my hometown.

Edinburgh seaside
Spanish seaside town
Roman sculpture

I have one more important family member to share with everyone, and his name is Mickey. He’s an incredibly cute Golden Retriever. Being away from home for so long, he’s the one I miss the most. He has been my companion throughout my middle school and high school years. I’m equally looking forward to the moment when I return home and see him again.

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