Digital Meets Traditional: My Journey from Huanghuali to Digital Media

Hello! I’m Sikai Niu, a Digital Media enthusiast at the University of Westminster. While I’m deeply rooted in the digital realm, my heart often wanders to the scenic beauty of my hometown, Qingdao, in Shandong province. This coastal city, with its blend of modernity and tradition, has shaped my diverse interests, from the allure of ancient Chinese Huanghuali furniture to contemporary fashion and sports.

Under my father’s guidance, I’ve delved into the rich history and artistry of Huanghuali wood. This rare rosewood, known for its shimmering surface and abstract patterns, has stories that span centuries. Some of these tales have led me to the homes of collectors, where I’ve had the privilege of witnessing firsthand the grandeur of these timeless pieces. I’ve also ventured into renowned auctions like Sotheby’s, broadening my perspective and deepening my appreciation for this art form.

Digital Media, to me, is more than just a major. It’s a bridge that connects my varied interests. It offers a platform where I can combine technology with knowledge, sharing stories of ancient artifacts one day and discussing modern digital innovations the next. It’s this blend of the old and new, the traditional and the contemporary, that truly defines me.‘

So, as you journey through my blog, expect a mix of tales from Qingdao’s shores, insights into ancient Chinese furniture, and glimpses into the ever-evolving world of digital media. Here’s to exploring diverse passions and celebrating the beauty of discovery together!

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